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Logotipo Ayuntamiento de Calvia

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Logotipo Ayuntamiento de Calvia
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Beaches and Coastline

The Municipality of Calvia has more than 54 Km. of coastline and more than 30 beaches, it is therefore essential to carry out a good administration of them, focusing special attention on their surroundings, their infrastructure and attending to the citizens demands for services.
 This service ensures a good administration, as apart from this it also carries out the administrative proceedings for contracting the services operating  on 21 of its beaches. All together, it annually carries out the administrative proceedings of approximately 120 files relating to the Calvia coastline.  Another of their main tasks is the control of the ruling laid down by the Coastline Law in the areas of maritime-terrestrial public domain by maintaining the beaches in the correct conditions of cleanliness, hygiene and health, and watching over the regulations for safety and saving human lives.

Responsible for the service: Catalina Martorell

e-mail: cmartorell@calvia.com