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Application for school and other special transport

Apply for authorization to operate in the municipal school transport facility.

It is initiated at the petition of the interested party or their legal representative, presenting the documents in the Citizen's Attention Servicee. Subsequently the Transport Service with authorize or not the service applied for and will communicate the fact to the interested party

Documents to present:
- Presentation of the request duly completed to apply

- Presentation of the contract.

- Vehicle Insurance (special school transport).

- Permit of circulation.

- Technical card.

- ITV passed.

- If the vehicle is >10 years old from the date of the registration of the number plates, you should prove that it had already operated school transport before this date.

Applicable byelaw:
R.D. 443/2001 de 27 de diciembre que regula las condiciones de seguridad del transporte escolar y menores.

Law 16/1987 regulating land transport.

Regulating bylaw of the fee for providing regulated services for collective transport.