The Environmental department advises the neighbours with pine trees in their properties, to carry out the necessary treatments to fight against the “procesionaria”, this January. The Town Hall is already working in public areas
The municipal Environmental department advises the neighbours in Calvià with pine trees in their properties, to carry out, if possible, before the end of this month, the appropriate treatments and revisions to fight against the “procesionaria” caterpillar plague, as the carried out controls up to now, show that this year´s plague, will be remarkably superior to the ones registered, in previous years.
Therefore, the Environmental department, insist that mentioned treatments should be carried out by approved companies and during this month of January, before the plague becomes noticeable. It is to be recalled that, the “procesionaria” caterpillar plague, is visible, mainly, in the months of February and March.
On the other hand, the Calvià Town Hall, is carrying out the appropriate controls and treatments in the public areas with pine trees, with the aim of fighting against the “procesionaria” caterpillar plague and alleviate, within its reach, the adverse effects and troubles that caterpillars cause to both, people and animals.
For further information, the Environmental municipal service can be contacted by calling the number 971 130 577.