The plennary approves the study of viability and the statement of requirements which will direct the new contemporary art museum´s tender.

Calvià plans a first level art museum.

The Calvià Town Hall continues progressing within the development of a tourist seasonal diversification plan with the aim of boosting the sector in front of a delicate economic situation, through which we are going through, and for that reason, the Town Hall has given another step forward within the first approval, at the plennary session, of the study of the public work concession´s viability for the drawing up of the project, construction, maintenance and running of the future contemporary art museum in Calvià, including, its content, the equipments to be developed as well as the statement of requirements approval which will direct the tender. After its approval, at the plennary, which counted with the PP and the PSOE´s support but with the vote against, from Unió Mallorquina, a period of one month is open in order to present any allegation which is considered convenient, and after its definitive approval, another three months will be available for the presentation of offers; therefore, it is estimated that it could be allocated before the end of this year.

The future Contemporary Art Museum in Calvià, is a very clear idea which is proposed by the government team, directed by Carlos Delgado, to contribute to the tourist seasonal diversification, with a transcendent cultural project, which will avoid an absence in the Majorca tourist and cultural offer, such as the lack of a first international level contemporary art museum, able to compete with the other existing museums in Spain.

The museum´s obligations

The new museum, which construction is the only obligatory equipment stated in the requirements which will direct the tender, will occupy a total of 4.000 square metres plus the exterior area which will be fitted out for sculptures which will count with other 2.000 metres. All of it, fitted out in a 54.768 square metre municipal plot , located in Costa d’en Blanes-Portals Nous, which will be able to hold other urban options freely offered by the bidders such as a sports centre and a welfare centre.

It is to be highlighted that the municipal government team, has reduced the occupation parameters in a 45%, in order to achieve a project, totally integrated in the landscape and thus, contribute to a sustainable development.

But, furthermore, within the statement of requirements, not only the Museum´s technical, design and architectonic quality is considered, but also of their authors and their works of art, as well as of the schedule of first level temporary exhibitions that could hold.

Thus, it has been foreseen that the museum will hold works of art of international artists from the last fifty years and that two or three annual exhibitions of first level artists will be exhibited as well as that the collections will be admitted for a minimum of 10 years.

The implementation of this great museum project will not have any cost for the Calvià municipal coffers as it will be totally financed by the resulting winning entity in exchange for its exploitation during a maximum period of 40 years.