The Calvià Town Hall signs a collaboration agreement with Repsol for the promotion of the use of autogas in the municipality

Collaboration with Repsol for the use of autogas.

The Calvià Town Hall, within its fight against the climate change global strategy´s framework, has signed a collaboration agreement with REPSOL BUTANO S.A., today, through which the use of autogas in the municipality will be promoted. The Mayor of Calvià, Manuel Onieva, the Director General for Industry and Energy, Jaime Ochogavía and the GLP sales Director in Spain, Francisco Javier Gutiérrez, attended the event.

The consistory maintains a firm commitment to improve its vehicle station´s environmental and economic efficiency and, now, the Local Police is provided with six vehicles which function through this system allows a remarkable reduction in the emission of greenhouse effect gases (GEI) and, also, a 40% saving in fuel consumption, 700 euros per vehicle, yearly. Also, thanks to the agreement signed today, three new cars from the municipal fleet, will be adapted.

In the document, both parts agree to promote, within their respective action fields, the use of autogas in Calvià, and particularly, information and spreading actions regarding the advantages of this type of fuel will be carried out, from the environmental point of view, through the organization of technical conferences designed and programmed by both parts. Aboveall, the Town Hall accepts studying possible road tax discounts for those vehicles which are propelled with autogas and also analyze the possibility of rewarding the companies using this type of fuel, within the public contracts obtained through bidding by the consistory.

On the other hand, a follow-up Comission will be constituted, which its main aim is to become a forum of debate of the specific measures to be taken within the development of the established agreements and solve the possible problems that could arise in the development or interpretation of the document.