The main objective is to create an entity capable of coordinating the education community´s participation within all those aspects related to the education of the municipality, excluding University levels.

The Calvià Town Hall´s plenary hall has been the place chosen to officially present the start-up of the Municipal School Council, an entity created to coordinate the participation of the municipality in the education field, excluding University levels.

The Municipal School Council is set up as an advising, consulting, proposal and participation instrument for any matter related to the education in Calvià.

The duties conferred, given its character of consultive and representative entity of the local education are, amongst others, the presentation at the Town Hall of proposals of municipal actions in terms of education and the collaboration amongst the School Councils of each education centre.

The Council will be headed by the Mayor of Calvià, or by the person to whom he delegates, and which is made up with 30 members who are designated depending on the following distribution: seven representatives of the Town Hall, five representatives of the public and private education centres of the municipality, six who are teachers, seven representatives of parents, two of the pupils and finally two of the staff of the education centres service and administration.

With the creation of the Municipal School Council, the Town Hall lays the foundations which will make possible the improvement of the quality of the education which the boys and girls of the municipality receive.