The Town Hall, in collaboration with the Agrupació Balear de Técnics Urbanistes, will organize for this forthcoming Wednesday a study Conference on the refurbishment plan of the tourist areas of the municipality.

The Calvià Town Hall, in collaboration with the Agrupació Balear de Técnics Urbanistes (Balearic Group of Technical Urban Planners), will organize for this forthcoming Wednesday a study Conference on the refurbishment plan of the tourist areas of the municipality.


17,00h.- Presentation of the Conference means of communication

Carried out by Eugenia Frau, Councillor for Urban Planning of the Calvià Town Hall, and Juan Alemany Garcias, President of the Agrupación Balear de Técnicos Urbanistas

17,15h.- Talk “Marco Territorial y urbanístico del plan de zonas turísticas” (Territorial and urban framework of the plan for the tourist areas) carried out by José Aguiló, Director of the Urban Planning Department of the Calvià Town Hall

17,45h.- Break

18,00h.- Colloquium “Explicación técnica del proyecto de rehabilitación de zonas turísticas” (Technical explanation of the tourist areas refurbishment project) carried out by the editor team Vivas, Arquitectos

19,00h.- Questions and requests


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Free of charge.


Sala Palmanova, 2 Diego Salvà Lezaún St..