This initiative is framed within Ciudad Ciencia, a scientific dissemination project which The Superior Board for the Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Obra Social "la Caixa" have started up in our municipality.

Scientists who make the public laugh answering questions such as what is the epigenetics?, how was the Higgs Boson discovered?, or what is the difference between a theorem and a conjecture?. Although it may seem difficult, this is possible with The Big Van Theory, a group of active researchers who through a monologue tell their daily work. These ‘Scientists on wheels' will be in Calvià on 26th November talking about mathematics, biochemistry, physics and astronomy, amongst other subjects, with accuracy and high doses of humour. This is a free activity held in double session. In the morning The Big Van Theory will be with the students at the IES de Bendinat at 10 a.m., and in the afternoon the activity will be held for the general public at Es Generador (C/ Voranova, 8, Son Caliu-Calvià) at 7 p.m.

The Big Van Theory is an activity for the general public which is held in different environments such as theatres, museums, schools or even bars. The most important, according to their members, is "to tell the most interesting of science in a rigorous way, but also entertaining, enjoyble, surprising, exciting".

This initiative is framed within Ciudad Ciencia, a scientific dissemination project which The Superior Board for the Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Obra Social "la Caixa" have started up together with municipalities such as Calvià with the aim of giving the residents of localities from Spain, first-hand information of the current science and technology.

The web offers workshops and ‘online' contents, as well as detailed information of the activities programmed in this locality.

Ciudad Ciencia was launched in March 2012 and currently counts with 30 participating locations throughout Spain.


The Big Van Theory (Científicos sobre ruedas) Scientists on wheels.

Place: IES of Bendinat.

Address: C/ Arquitecte Francesc Casas, 13. Bendinat-Calvià (Balears).

Time: 10 a.m.