Conversations with the Illes Balears Film Commission have now been initiated



The Calvià Town Hall has initiated the procedures to become a “film friendly” municipality, this is to say, facilitate the procedures to those film producers willing to film images in the municipality, for either films, advertisements or campaigns, etc. This matter was covered last Thursday with Pilar Garcés, of the Illes Balears Film Commission, in a meeting in which it was informed of the steps to be followed.


In this sense, the Town Hall has committed to provide a unique interlocutor, a kind of separate counter, to undertake the necessary administrative procedures, such as the obtainment of licences from the different municipal departments, or to inform of the accommodation, hospitality, transport services, or other services of the municipality which the film producers could require in the previous phase and in the moment of the filming.


The idea is to keep on progressing towards a “film friendly” municipality, and that Calvià could count on its own Film Office in the future and promote, from the municipality, the realisation of activities related with the film-making.


The Illes Balears Film Commission informs that according to the report “El impacto económico de los rodajes en España y los incentivos fiscales en Europa”(The economic impact of the film-making in Spain and the fiscal incentives in Europe) ellaborated by the Spain Film Commission, for each public euro invested as a fiscal incentive it is obtained a direct impact of between 4 and 6 euros, and a total impact- including direct, indirect and induced benefits- which can approach the amount of 15 euros.


The Calvià Town Hall and the Illes Balears Film Commission are already collaborating on projects such as “Calvià és cine”, which shows how Calvià has been seen through the screens and what life has the cinema had in the municipality.