Decree from the Mayor's Office to appoint Israel Molina as seventh Deputy Mayor of the Town Hall of Calvià from 1st December 2015

Decree from the Mayor's Office to appoint Israel Molina as seventh Deputy Mayor of the Town Hall of Calvià


The Mayor of Calvia signed on 1st December 2015 the decree which appoints Israel Molina Sarrió as seventh Deputy Mayor of the Town Hall of Calvià, delegate for Citizen Participation and Youth, and a member of the Local Government.

Decrees from the Mayor's Office:

By Resolutions from the Mayor's Office on 15th June 2015 and 6th July 2015 the members of the Local Government of Calvia Town Hall were designated, appointing some of them as Deputy Mayors. Given the current circumstances it has been considered appropriate to modify the structure of the Municipal Political Organization appointing a new Deputy Mayor and modifying the assignment of delegated competences. In application and development of what is regulated in articles 20 and 23 of the Law of Regulatory Bases of Local Government, article 22 of its Consolidated Text and article 35.2 d), 46, 52 and related provisions of the existing Rules of Organization and Functioning Legal System of Local Entities; this Town Hall, in exercise of the responsibility conferred by article 21.1.a) of the current LRBRL and 41.3 of the ROF, and within the limits established by this legislation allowing up to eight members in the Local Government of our Town Hall, hereby I resolve:

First: appoint members of the Local Government of this Town hall the following town councillors: Sr. Andrés Serra Martínez, Sr. Antonio García Moles, Sra. Natividad Francés Garate, Sra. María del Carmen Iglesias Manjón, Sra. Eva Serra Félix, Sr. Juan Cuadros Martínez y Sr. Israel Molina Sarrió.

Second:.Appoint as Deputy Mayors in order of substitution of this Mayor's Office the following members of the Local Government:

First Deputy Mayor: Sr. Andreu Serra Martínez, who holds the post of Deputy Mayor Delegate for General Services and Security.

Second Deputy Mayor: Sr. Antonio García Moles, who holds the post of Deputy Mayor Delegate for Tourism, Commerce and Urban Planning.

Third Deputy Mayor: Sra. Natividad Francés Gárate, who holds the post of Deputy Mayor Delegate for Social Cohesion and Equality.

Fourth Deputy Mayor: Sra. María del Carmen Iglesias Manjón, who holds the post of Deputy Mayor Delegate for Economy, Employment and Innovation.

Fifth Deputy Mayor: Sra. Eva Serra Félix, who holds the post of Deputy Mayor Delegate for Sports and Foreign Citizens.

Sixth Deputy Mayor: Sr. Juan Cuadros Martínez, who holds the post of Deputy Mayor Delegate for Mobility, Roads and works, and Maintenance.

Seventh Deputy Mayor: Sr. Israel Molina Sarrió, who holds the post of Deputy Mayor Delegate for Citizen Participation and Youth.

Third.- The above appointments will be personally notified to those appointed and published in the BOIB, regardless of their effectiveness from the day of signing this resolution.

Fourth.- To account for this resolution to the Municipal Plenary Session at the first meeting to be held.


Under the direct responsibility of the seventh Deputy Mayor is:

1. Citizenship Services: Relations with neighborhood associations

2. Youth Services: promotion, management and development of programmes and services for youth

The councellor Fernando Alcaraz Omiste becomes Councillor for Citizen Participation and Youth.

The appointment also means restructuring the responsibilities of other areas of the City Council:

-Nati Francés, third Deputy Mayor for Social Cohesion and Equality (Areas: Education, Culture, Social Services and Equality)

Under her direct resposibility is:

1. Social Welfare Services: Social Services

2. Health Services

3. Senior Citizens

4. Cultural services

5. Educational services, libraries

6. Linguistic Normalization Services

7. Equality Service

-Eva Serra, fifth Deputy Mayor for Sports and Foreign Citizens, has under its direct dependence:

1. Sports Service

2. Foreign Citizens Service