The "Donar veu als majors" (give voice to the elderly) pilot project consists in creating groups of debate so the elderly can express and debate their main needs.
The first group of debate will take place in Son Ferrer.
The "Donar veu als majors" (give voice to the elderly) pilot project consists in creating groups of debate so the elderly can express and debate their main needs. The first group of debate will take place in Son Ferrer.
The Observatory of senior citizens of Mallorca has met to constitute the municipalities' participation Forum where the pilot project of this organization "Donate Veu als majors" will be implemented, which aims to identify the main concerns and needs of the elderly in order to give them a better response from institutions and entities working with this collective.
The "Donate Veu als majors" project expects to gather in each municipality between ten and fifteen people over 60 years old to debate on issues that are important to them and then share in the Observatory the conclusions deduced in each municipality, thus getting to know in a more reliable way the concerns of the senior citizens of the island.
The first group of debate in the municipality of Calvià will take place in Son Ferrer. The topics to be addressed in four weekly meetings are eight: respect and social inclusion, transport, outdoor spaces and buildings, housing, social participation, work and citizen participation, social services and health, communication and information. All those senior citizens willing to participate in the project can contact the Town Hall's Department of Social Welfare on the telephone 971 13 91 73.
This project is framed within the working group of the Observatori de Promoció d'Oportunitats de Participació de l'Observatori de Persones Majors and will participate the Town Halls of Palma, Inca, Manacor, Sant Llorenç, Calvià, Banyalbufar, Consell, Pollença, Búger and Petra. Technicians and councillors of the insular institution, the Foundació Balear d'Atenció a la Dependència, the UIB, the pedagogy and psychopedagogy official schools, occupational therapists, social workers, the Universitat Oberta per a Majors (UOM) and said Town Halls participated in the last session held in the IMAS. On behalf of the Calvià Town Hall, the meeting was attended by Cristina Gamundí, technical psychologist of the Social Welfare Service, and Olga Granados, coordinator of the senior citizens associations of the municipality.