Galatzó estate project.

Three months after the Mayor of Calvià, Carlos Delgado, announced the council's intention to buy the Galatzó estate, the purchase deed has been signed by the Mayor and the owners' legal representative.

The estate, purchased for 9 million euros, has an overall surface area of 14 million square metres, with a built-up area of 5,000 square metres. The spectacular bio-geographical, environmental, and architectural wealth and its enormous potential as a centre of prehistoric/historical remains, has led to the establishment of a technical committee, directed by the Mayor, and analysis, study and assessment work has already begun on the condition of the estate, aimed at revealing possible uses and preferred lines of action for it. In fact, the municipal council has already appointed a council officer to carry out works co-ordination and management tasks.

In the same way, premises will soon be established for the management of tasks related to the estate, located in the Rural World Department's building in Capdellà.

The technical committee has already applied to the Balearic Islands' Employment Ministry for subsidies to restore a series of terrace banks and for work to recover the hydraulic engineering system on the estate. The Islands' Environment Department has also been asked for aid to carry out the reforms required to improve the estate and open it to the public.

Both the municipal council and the Environment Department want Galatzó to be a landmark in environmental terms and, for this reason, and as established in the PORM, in the future it will be turned into an Interpretation Centre for the Serra de Tramuntana. The basis has already been established for an important agreement taking shape between both administrations with initial capital of around €1.5 million for the environmental management of the estate.

The general objective sought with this project is to make possible public use and enjoyment of the estate, with special attention to citizens of Calvià, visitors and tourists, combining such action with the preservation and improvement of its archaeological, historical, architectural, ethnographic and bio-geographical heritage.
The lines of action to be followed in the short and medium terms are as follows:

  • Environmental actions:
    • Cataloguing the bio-geographical heritage
    • Opening of three environmental routes (possibility of a fourth)
    • The figure of a farmer or manager will be sought
  • Recovery of the architectural/ethnographic and archaeological heritage:
    • A project will be carried out to analyse and catalogue the estate's assets
    • The estate's romantic garden will be cleaned up
    • Scheme to recover terraced fields and infrastructures for using water resources.
    • A tertiary water recovery network will be installed, subsidised by the Environment Department
    • Recovery of the archaeological heritage
  • Defining and implementing special uses:
    • A public participation system will be established so that expectations for the use and enjoyment of the estate by citizens of Calvià can be detected
    • Beginning of a study for a usage plan to create a hunting reserve
    • Start of a study for a usage plan to create the infrastructures necessary to encourage the practice of mountain sporting activities.
    • Start of a study for a usage plan for the creation of riding trails through the estate
  • Creation of an infrastructure for management and surveillance and a fire prevention plan:
    • Creation and maintenance of an estate management office
    • Analysis of the infrastructures necessary for establishing uses of the estate
    • Creation of a car park and minimum reception and information services for visitors to the estate
    • Creation of a website
    • Creation, in co-operation with the local police, the Environment Department and Saprona, with a surveillance plan for the estate intended to ensure visitor security and the preservation of the estate's assets
    • The urgent creation of a forest fire prevention plan will be managed