Meeting of the Municipal School Council of Calvià. At the meeting, the calendar of sessions of the academic year was approved and the ongoing municipal projects in the education field were explained

Meeting of the School Council of Calvià.

Thursday 19th January 2017


At the meeting, the calendar of sessions of the academic year was approved and the ongoing municipal projects in the education field were explained

The Municipal School Council of Calvià has met in the Town Hall to approve the calendar of sessions of the Plenary and the Standing Commission of the School Council for the 2016-2017 academic year. The composition of the Standing Commission and the work commissions for this school year have also been approved.

At the meeting, the ongoing municipal projects during this school year in the education field in the municipality of Calvià were explained:

- The Programme Radio Escolar, which has been very well received in the 11 CEIP and 3 IES of the municipality of Calvià, aims to carry out teaching and learning activities related to all processes in the world of radio. Language skills such as oral and written expression are used to promote teamwork and the organisation and distribution of tasks. Recorded programmes are broadcast on Saturdays on Radio Calvià so they can be listened with the family.

- Educational reinforcement in Baccalaureate. It is a programme of school reinforcement addressed to students in first and second year of Baccalaureate. A grant is offered to the AMIPA (Association of Parents and Students) from each IES for the hiring of teachers in order to provide support in the afternoons to the students in the most difficult subjects.

- Work is also being carried out on the recovery of the programme PISE for Socio-educational Intervention for secondary school students from 14 to 16 years of age, with the aim of facilitating the student not to abandon the academic and formative activity, promoting prevention and control of school absenteeism.

- The programme "Calvià, Municipi Creatiu" aims to develop creative aspects in all areas working from the nurseries to the schools of adults going through schools and institutes. It is a question of training all groups to focus daily work from a creative perspective, facilitating strategies and new techniques, and generating new ideas and innovation.

- The TEI 'Tutoria entre iguals' programme is an emotional education project that aims to form management teams and teaching bodies of the centres in this area.


The meeting, which was chaired by the Deputy Mayor for Social Cohesion and Equality, Nati Francés, was attended, on behalf of the Town Hall, by the Deputy Mayor for Citizen Participation and Youth, Fernando Alcaraz; the Magaluf and Son Ferrer Councillor, Alfonso Molina; the Councillor of the area of Portals Nous and Bendinat, Mayte Albertí; the Councillor of the Partido Popular, Rosa García; and the Councillor of Esquerra Oberta, Alfonso Rodríguez Sánchez. On behalf of the Conselleria d'Educació (Regional Ministry of Education) the meeting was attended, from the Direcció General de Planificació, Ordenació i Centres (Directorate General for Planning and Centres), the head of the schooling service, Luis Vidaña; and from the Direcció General d'Innovació i Comunitat Educativa (Directorate General for Innovation and Education Community), Josep Bernat. There was also a representation of parents, primary and secondary education teachers and public and private centres.

The Municipal School Council of Calvià is an advisory, consultation, proposal and participation body on any subject related to non-university education in the territorial area of the municipality of Calvià. Its Regulations provide it with a series of powers and functions which, despite its non-binding nature, makes it the body that conforms the will of the educational community of Calvià.