Recognitions and congratulations were presented and the report of 2016, year in which volunteering carried out 8,755 hours of service, was read

Calvià Civil Protection Day 2017.

Sunday 5th March 2017

Recognitions and congratulations were presented and the report of 2016, year in which volunteering carried out 8,755 hours of service, was read

The Calvià Civil Protection and Emergency Division Day has been celebrated today, with the presentation of recognitions and congratulations event and with the reading of the Report of 2016. The event was attended by the Mayor of Calvià, Alfonso Rodríguez Badal, and the municipal corporation, and other guests such as the Mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, representatives of the Civil Protection group of Sant Llorenç des Cardassar, representatives of hotel associations and the taxi association of the municipality, as well as the direcorates of educational centres of Calvià.

The operational coordinator of the Civil Protection of Calvià, Manuel Barné, has reviewed the Report of 2016, year in which the volunteering performed 8,755 hours of service, both preventive and emergency.

The beach surveillance and rescue service, in which there are 38 rescuers, two boats and an Advanced Life Support ambulance, amongst others, made 530 interventions:

Serious incidents: 64

Incidents with ambulance transportation: 70

Deceased in surveillance hours: 2

Deceased outside surveillance hours: 1

Drowned recovered: 7

Assistance for jellyfish stings: 260

Assistance for Greater weever stings: 54

Other types of assistance: 72

The Civil Protection of Calvià, which consists of four main working groups, also carries out training in first aid, fire protection, evacuation of buildings and drills in pre-education, primary and secondary education schools, as well as to parents of students.

The Mayor of Calvià, Alfonso Rodríguez Badal, thanked the work carried out by the members of Civil Protection and volunteering, to whom he pointed out that it is only fair to recognise their humanitarian work.

The individuals and groups that have received recognition have been:

Calvià Civil Protection merit plate to CEIP Jaume I and IES Son Ferrer for their interest in prevention.

Bronze medal with blue badge to the local police officer of Calvià Antonio Lozano, for his quick intervention in the rescue of a person who had fallen by a cliff.

Bronze medal with white badge to Sergio Gálvez who was for years head of the Association of Llucmajor.

Silver medal with blue badge to the current head of Civil Protection of Inca, Francisco Pol Alorda, who is a reference of the civil protection of the interior of the island.

Decorations to personnel of the group of Calvià: silver medal with blue badge to Carlos Luque Hernández, bronze medal with white badge to Eva Asensio Pérez and gold medal with Spanish flag emblem to Manuel Girón Martínez.

Congratulations from the Town Hall to the volunteers: Bernardo Vera, Iñaki Ruiz, David Roberto Salas, Jaime Palmer Coll and Juan José Jiménez Fernández.

Best volunteer 2016 to Daniela Agustina Sotuyo.

The Mayor presented the medals and congratulations along with the Deputy Mayor for General Services and Security, Andreu Serra, the Local Police Chief of Calvià, Justino Trenas and the General Director of General Services and Security, José Antonio Fernández Ballesta.