Both, the Mayor and the Regional Minister for Employment have presented in the Ajuntament the Programmes of Employment and Qualified Youth Workshops, which have allowed to hire 44 unemployed people in Calvià
Monday 20th March 2017
Both, the Mayor of Calvià, Alfonso Rodríguez Badal, and the Regional Minsiter for Employment, Commerce and Industry, Iago Negueruela, have presented the projects: Mixed Employment and Training and Qualified Youth Programmes of the SOIB. There are 44 unemployed people, young people under 30 years of age, long-term unemployed and programme management professionals, performing actions of general and social interest in the municipality of Calvià. The event was attended by the Deputy Mayor for Economy, Employment and Innovation, M. Carmen Iglesias, and the Director General of Employment and Economy of the Regional Government, Llorenç Pou.
TWO MIXED EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAMMES: Two mixed employment and training programmes were started in the IFOC on 1st March., located in the Galatzó area and in different places of the municipality of Calvià:
Es Bosquet de ses cases (1,422.75 hours): It is a project that has allowed to contract during 10 months 10 unemployed people over 30 years of age, job seekers and registered in the SOIB, and obtain two professionalism certificates: "Auxiliary activities in forestry operations" and "Auxiliary activities in conservation and improvement of mountains".
Es Colomer (1,422.75 hours): It is a project similar to the one before with regards to the participants, but with different themes: "Auxiliary activities in plant nurseries, gardens and garden centres" and "Auxiliary activities in agriculture".
A team of 5 professionals has been contracted for the adequate management of the two projects, which in addition to the teaching and management of these specialties, it will offer an itinearary of individual insertion, continuous tutoring and transversal training in areas such as: labour insertion and job-search techniques, equal opportunity between men and women and computer literacy. Finally, all students will be able to obtain the professional phytosanitary user's card (basic level).
These programmes have a total grant of 367,663.86 euros through the Servei d'Ocupació de les Illes Balears (SOIB) and the co-financing of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE), with the direct involvement, in these projects, of areas such as : IFOC, Natural and Urban Environment, Maintenance and Llar de Calvià (Senior Citizens Home).
QUALIFIED YOUTH PROGRAMME: As of 27th February, the Calvià Town Hall has contracted for 9 months 19 qualified young people under 30 years old, and enrolled in the Youth Guarantee platform.
By level of studies, 16 have a university degree and 3 are in professional training (higher degree).
The studies of the young people that have been contracted are: Economy, Advertising and public relations, Sociology, CFGS Lighting, Image capture and treatment, Physical activity and sport sciences, Forest and natural environment engineering, Biology, Civil engineering in transport and Urban services, CFGS in Web Application development, Social education, Psychology, Occupational therapy, Social work, Sociocultural animation, Nursing, Industrial engineering, Biochemistry and Law.
These young people will perform functions related to their studies, to carry out works or services of general and / or social interest:
Institut de Formació i Ocupació de Calvià (IFOC): Studies and business actions for new entrepreneurial projects, study and diagnosis of the business plan of Calvià, and development of sectorial surveys.
Communication: Make and organise a photographic archive.
Institut Calvianer de l'Esport (ICE): Management of municipal sports projects.
Natural and Urban Environment: Environmental sustainability works "La Serra" (Evaluation of environmental impacts that tourism, sports or recreational practices and the use of the visitors themselves, produce on the public estate of Galatzó) and Environmental sustainability works "La Mar "(elaborate programmes of action and management to reduce and minimise the impacts produced to the posidonia).
Citizen Participation and Youth: Design and improvement of the Youth Department's Web.
Social welfare: Calvià child-friendly city: develop and carry out an action plan for the children's participation in municipal policies.
Economic services: Support and administrative management of the project.
Calvià 2000: Ensure the quality of laboratory results through the secondary validation of laboratory techniques, as well as the calculation of uncertainty.
Llar de Calvià: Evaluation of the public services related to thesenior citizens of the municipality, promote active aging, develope a volunteering plan, data collection, monitor and evaluate the main geriatric syndromes in the institutionalised elderly, actions related to active aging and prevention of cognitive deterioration amongst the elderly of the municipality.
These programmes have a total grant of € 358,343.46 through the Servei d'Ocupació de les Illes Balears (SOIB) and the co-financing of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and the European Social Fund (ESF).
When all these projects are completed, the IFOC will provide the necessary resources to promote the employment of these workers, including the Municipal Employment Agency and the Advice, Entrepreneur and Training Service.