Thursday 27thJune 2019
Acts on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the Serra de Tramuntana world heritage declaration by UNESCO
Some activities have been organised on Friday 28thJune at Calvià Town Hall on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the Serra de Tramuntana world heritage declaration by UNESCO
6.30 p.m. Tour through the exhibition "The Serra de Tramuntana from the sky", by professor Joan Bauzà
7 p.m. Round table "Present and future of the Serra de Tramuntana: Sustainability, Culture and Tourism"
María Tugores, director of the Hospitality School of the Balearic Islands and member of the Committee of Experts of the Serra de Tramuntana
Joe Holles, president of the Tramuntana XXI Association
Jaume Mateu, coordinator of the group that wrote the Serra de Tramuntana candidacy
Miquel Vadell, insular director of Territory and Landscape of the Consell de Mallorca
Xavier Pascuet, general director of Tourism and Coastline of Calvià Town Hall
Miquel Grimalt, Physical Geography professor at the UIB and member of the Committee of Experts of the Serra de Tramuntana
Moderator: Olivia Navarro, journalist