Tuesday, 13th October 2020
The Town Hall will shortly call the ordinary annual aids
Calvià Town Hall awarded a total of 646.884 euros for the extraordinary line of Covid-19 housing rental aids. It is a subsidy line that this year has been launched due to the situation caused by the pandemic, to support people who have seen their income reduced.
In total, there have been 469 people who have benefited of these grants, who have met the requirements established in the call.
The grants have been awarded for a maximum of 6 months, which can be reviewed every two months. Depending on the monthly payments requested, the amounts awarded are between 648 and 2.268 euros.
The aids, which are compatible with the annual subsidies of the Town Hall and those of the supra-municipal administrations, have been up to 40% of the monthly rentals of up to 900 euros, and subsidies of up to 30% for rentals between 901 and 1.100 euros per month.
This extraordinary line of housing rental aids has been aimed at people especially affected by the Covid-19 crisis, who were unemployed; in ERTE (RTER Record of Temporary Employment Regulation) situation; who have been affected by a reduction in working hours for reasons of family, work or organisational conciliation, with minors under their charge, or self-employed who have suffered a 75% reduction in income or whose activity was suspended during the state of alarm. It is one of the initiatives included in the agreement of the Municipal Plan for the social, economic and environmental recovery of Calvià, ratified by all the municipal political groups and the social and economic agents of the municipality.
Shortly, within this month of October, Calvià Town Hall will launch the annual housing rental aids line, which has an output budget of 350.000 euros that will be increased if it is not enough to subsidise all the requests meeting the requirements. Last year, 73 people benefited from these aids, for a total amount of 208.517 euros.