Calvià is promoted at the WTM with the 365 video.


Sunday, 5th November 2023

Calvià is promoted at WTM with the municipality's '365' video

The audiovisual work collects in 100 seconds the wide (sun, beach, sports, culture, gastronomy, history and conference tourism) tourist offer that can be enjoyed in Calvià

Companies from all areas have selflessly collaborated to shape an announcement that the Town Hall is now viralising through the social media.

Calvià Town Hall arrives in London this year with the firm desire to position the municipality as a 365 destination. And with that objective, the delegation led by the mayor, Juan Antonio Amengual, will show during these days at the World Travel Market (WTM) an advertising 'spot' lasting just over 100 seconds in which the great attractions of Calvià come together: sun and beach, culture and concerts, history and archaeology, hotel facilities and beach clubs, sports and competition, gastronomy and Mice tourism.

Companies from all areas have selflessly collaborated in the preparation of the audiovisual work: hotel groups, restaurants, beach clubs, golf courses, dive companies or marinas amongst many others, as well as various municipal departments.

Now, the Calvià 365 advertisement will also be presented to the British and Spanish public through a social media campaign that aims to gain visibility during the days in which the London tourist fair, in which Calvià has scheduled a large number of meetings with actors in the tourism sector, as well as multiple interviews with specialised media and journalists, continues.