The Calvià Local Police celebrates its Day.


Friday, 24th November 2023

The Calvià Local Police celebrates its Day with an eye towards the future and the incorporation of new technologies

Diplomas and crosses have been awarded to the police officers and plainclothes police officers, in a year marked by zero tolerance for incivility

The Calvià Police held its Day on Friday at the Son Bugadelles barracks with the presentation of diplomas and crosses of merit, an act in which the daily performance of the 200 men and women of the force was recognised and in which has committed to adapt the work and procedures to the new challenges. «The Calvià Local Police is going to adapt to new technologies, we have to continue investing in our training as a guarantee of a well done job, for us and for our citizens. We have to move towards our future projection, from humility, and achieve excellence in our public service work," said the head of the Local Police, Esther Ribas.

Ribas has emphasised the role of the Local Police in the municipality's society: «Calvià has a staff committed to its public service work. They demonstrate it every day with their daily effort, continuous work and, although this work does not always report great headlines, you are very necessary and valuable for our society. The Local Police is a police force close to the citizens.

A police merit cross with a blue badge (fulfillment of duty at risk by a person who demonstrates exceptional courage, loyalty and selflessness); seven merit crosses with a green badge (exceeding the duties of the position with notoriety and perseverance, which constitutes exemplary conduct); two merit crosses with white badges for completing 30 years of service; sixteen public congratulations; and eight retirement diplomas, have been awarded.

The recipient of the police merit cross with a blue badge was police officer Pedro Enrique Caro for his intervention on 21st July. Around midnight, a team from the Local Police showed up at a home in Costa d'en Blanes alerted by a family dispute. A man had allegedly attacked his partner and ripped out the home's security cameras. When he saw the police officers arrive, he tried to jump into the void from the balcony of a sixth floor, but this was prevented by police officer Caro, who managed to grab his left leg at the moment of jumping, with both of them on the verge of falling. With the help of three more police officers they managed, not without effort, to subdue the man who was threatening to commit suicide.

The mayor of Calvià, Juan Antonio Amengual, has referred to the incident: «many of you have gone beyond what is required in the performance of your duty. This is the case, for example, of Pedro Enrique Caro, whom we distinguish with the police merit cross with a blue badge. And I know that this distinction is extendable to everyone, because you are all an example.

This year will close with more than 37.000 telephone requests to the Calvià Local Police. The high priority requirements will be around 4.300. These are altercations and fights, assaults, fires, medical emergencies, missing people, robberies, thefts, threats of suicide and rescues. Amengual has assured that "you have complied with flying colours, with the highest levels of diligence and effectiveness, guaranteeing police intervention in a period of less than 10 minutes in the high priority requirements."

The mayor has valued the fact "that you are police officers by vocation" and had some words for the functioning of the force, especially in the high season, marked by the launch of the plainclothes officers unit: "yours is not only a task of order and security. In an eminently touristic municipality like ours, you are the face that serves visitors, our guests. Together with the hospitality and complementary offer workers, you are ambassadors of our hospitality, a value recognised throughout Europe. Your presence in the streets and in tourist places contributes to creating a welcoming and calm environment, allowing our visitors to fully enjoy everything that our municipality has to offer. This is what you have been demonstrating for years, and in a very special way in the high season of this 2023. The best security is the proactive one, that which is committed to crime prevention and immediate response.

«Feel loved and respected. And those who do not consider it that way, those who believe that Calvià is a place in which to live poorly outside the law, a place to commit crimes... to whom I tell very clearly on your behalf that he has made a mistake, that sooner rather than later you will find him, because Calvià is a municipality with zero tolerance for crime and incivility," concluded Amengual.

For her part, the deputy mayor responsible for security, Esperanza Catalá, wanted to thank the welcome and collaboration to the new head of the Local Police, Esther Ribas: "everything good that the Local Police has done, everything the Local Police has demonstrated, the healthy envy that has aroused in other municipalities, is by no means the merit of a servant. There are 200 of you, as valuable as Leonidas' 300 Spartans. And what Leonidas you have in front of you. Esther Ribas is worth it, without a doubt, and thanks to your professionalism, the loyalty shown and the affection with which you have welcomed us, the transition has been easy. And there are the results. Without you none of this would have been possible.

Catalá has had a special mention for the retiring police officers: "any gratitude I can give you will be insufficient. Your knowledge, experiences and skills are of incalculable value for the society of Calvià. I encourage you to face an active retirement because we want to continue counting on you. The time has come for you to dedicate time to yourselves, your families and friends. "You deserve it."