45 people benefit from the Reactiva programme.


Sunday, 23rd June 2024

45 people benefit from the Reactiva employment programme in Calvià, which is already preparing the new call for 2025

The IFOC programme workers have been welcomed at the Town Hall by the municipal government team


The Reactiva programme faces the final phase with its sights set on its reissue. 45 people have obtained a work contract in up to 13 municipal areas of Calvià Town Hall between January and August this year. This is an initiative organised by the IFOC (Training and Employment Institute) of Calvià thanks to a subsidy from the SOIB and financing from the European Social Fund Plus (FSE+) for an amount of 498.000 euros. The next Reactiva programme will begin in January 2025 under similar terms.

The users of the Reactiva programme have been welcomed at the Town Hall by Mayor Juan Antonio Amengual, the Deputy Mayor for Work and Training, Manuel Mas, and the IFOC's manager, Fernando Palmer. Amengual wanted to encourage workers to develop “your ability to excel. "Do not give up, do not let anyone undermine your morale, it depends on you to achieve the opportunities and the Town Hall will be there to help with whatever is needed."

Mas has thanked SOIB's collaboration and valued the Reactiva programme, which "it does not give you the fish but it teaches you how to fish it". They help you search for opportunities so that you can get ahead on your own, that is what will make you independent. Work is already underway to prepare the next Reactiva, as Palmer has announced: "we will continue with our goal of helping as many people as possible, this stage will continue with this and other new programmes."

In this edition, Reactiva has established two hiring lines. In the first, 26 people under 30 years of age have been employed, without higher education, registered as job seekers in the SOIB and in the National Youth Guarantee System. The second has provided work to 19 unemployed people, over 30 years old, long-term unemployed and registered with the SOIB as job seekers. A six-month full-time contract has been made to carry out works and services of social interest that have benefited the municipality.