The role of children is reinforced in the Childhood and Adolescents Council of Calvià.

A video has been screened where they make proposals such as more lighting or parks for people over 12 years old

The representatives of the Childhood and Adolescents Council of Calvià are 34 students from ten schools and from the three public obligatory secondary education centres of the municipality. They have been the real protagonists this Tuesday afternoon in the act of constitution of the Childhood and Adolescents Council for the academic year 2024-2025 that has been carried out in Sa Societat. The children and adolescents themselves have been the ones who have organised and directed the session. Accompanied by social educators, they have shared with the mayor and the Government team their opinions, concerns and proposals to improve the life of the municipality, which basically focus on the management of spaces for sports practice, more lighting and cleaning.

This Council, made up of 12 children and 22 adolescents, allows the youngest to exercise their right to give their opinion on issues that affect them directly. A video was shown in Sa Societat theatre that collects their proposals, demonstrating how the voice of the youngest actively contributes to the future of Calvià. For  instance, they request for information screens at bus stops, free Wi-Fi or a library in El Toro.

The Childhood and Adolescents Council of Calvià has made 74 proposals throughout its history, of which 75% have been implemented. With initiatives like this, Calvià reaffirms its commitment to children's participation, showing that the opinions of the youngest are not only heard, but also integrated into municipal policies.

The Calvià Childhood and Adolescents Council participants have been selected by the drawing of lots amongst the 6th grade students of the municipality's educational centres to take part and actively participate. The children receive the support of a qualified team to ensure that they can freely express themselves and work effectively on their projects. What is more, from 1st grade to 5th grade, they work on Children's Rights through the "Cesta Didáctica'' (Educational Basket), a series of games to learn about their rights.

Thus, it is an essential body to guarantee the active voice of children and adolescents, in accordance with the fundamental principles of the United Nations Convention on the Children's Rights. This initiative, aligned with UNICEF's vision, creates stable spaces for reflection and participation for young people, encouraging their involvement in decisions that affect their well-being, because the future of Calvià is also built with the voice of children and adolescents.

