Monday Jun 09, 2014 from 12:30 PM to 11:59 PM

Auditorio de Peguera

VII Extracurricular and School Dance and Theatre Exhibition
IES SON FERRER. La mordaza, by Alfonso Sastre (adaptation by Mar Vega)
Company TATE3. 3rd Year of Secondary Obligatory Education pupils

Isaías Krapp is a despot who has all his family terrified. All know he is a killer but no one dares to denounce him for fear or respect. Only his daughter-in-law Luisa, married with his son Juan, breaks the gag and denounces him to the police. Finally, during his detention facts commence to accelerate and.....
Peguera auditorium
Monday Jun 09, 2014 from 12:30 PM to 11:59 PM

Auditorio de Peguera
