Sunday Jul 12, 2015 from 09:30 PM to 11:59 PM

Finca Galatzó

Deliri d'una nit d'estiu
We will live the unforeseen incedents of a company of amateur actors, which is preparing a production of Romeo and Juliete.
Cast: Joan Bibiloni, Rafel Fiol, Lina Mira, Alexandra Palomo and Joan Manel Vadell.
Director: Bernat Molina
Live music with songs of Antoni Parera Fons, Gabriel Janer Manila and Tomeu Penya.
(Bar service, tapas and drinks will be available for purchase as from 9 p.m.)
Galatzó Public Estate, 9.30 p.m.
Entrance tickets: 10 €
20€- vouchers for the plays to be held on 12th July, 9th and 22nd August.
More information at the department of Culture: Tel. 971 139 181 /
Sunday Jul 12, 2015 from 09:30 PM to 11:59 PM

Finca Galatzó

Es Capdellà