Saturday Jun 03, 2023 from 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM


<bound method DexterityContent.Title of <Event at /fs-calvia/calvia/en/calvia-a-day/agenda/4111>>.
Nordic Walking is an activity that consists of walking with the impulse of some sticks. It is very easy to learn, at first you need the personalised attention of a good instructor to learn and assimilate the technique. Share the concepts of nature, well-being, physical activity and health, ensuring good physical and mental results.

The activity is free and with limited places, it is ideal for any age and level. If you don't have walking sticks, we'll lend them to you!

We will start the route in front of the Peguera health centre at 7 p.m. We will leave for C/ de La Mimosa. We will arrive at Av de Peguera through C/ Noguer. We will continue along the avenue and through C/ de Niça we will arrive at the Palmira beach promenade. At the end, C/ Passarells will take us to the other Torà beach and to the smaller one, Playa de la Romana. Through C/ Miguel Mihura we will arrive again at Boulevard de Peguera where we will walk until we reach C/ Malgrat to finish again at the health centre.

Information and registrations: - 971 67 03 10
Saturday Jun 03, 2023 from 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM

