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Socio-educational prevention service for minors


 Monday 8th October 2018


The initiatives are aimed at young people, teachers, parents and guardians


The Calvià Town Hall has started up a socio-educational preventive service through which three social education professionals will develop a community project in order to avoid situations of risk in the childhood and teenagers residents of the municipality. The Calvià Town Hall has hired a new service to carry out a programme that includes socio-educational workshops on social networks and social skills, leisure, healthy habits, coeducation, equality, prevention of gender violence, child participation and children's rights, and the passing from primary to secondary education. In addition, workshops aimed specifically at teachers, parents and students' guardians are offered in a complementary manner. 

In this 2018-19 school year, the target groups of children and teenagers have been specially reinforced through the external contracting of a socio-educational prevention programme that costs € 122,703. The work of the three Social Education professionals will be carried out in the fourteen public education centres of the municipality: eleven pre-education and primary education schools, and three secondary education chools. In total the student population of the municipality amounts to 5,611 enrolled. 

The Complementary Activities Guide that is presented each course to the centres' directive teams, collects the proposals of the different departments of the Calvià Town Hall on prevention, security, environment, art, sports, ...issues. In addition, it is complemented with workshops developed by the Equality section of the Town Hall, by specialists in drug addiction, as well as by different entities with which the Calvià Town Hall has established collaboration agreements (RANA, Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat i Cooperació, Ben Amics, ...).